
Martabak keju

So, I have a new guilty pleasure...and it involves pancakes and cheese! OMG, can you imagine the calories? I don't even want to know! My husband ordered some Indonesian food from a place in Maryland, we just got two big packages yesterday. The "cheese pancake" is actually called Martabak keju , and it's considered to be a crepe. I don't know any crepes that look quite like that! They also have one called Martabak Manis, which my husband ordered for himself, it's filled with CHOCOLATE instead of the cheese. No way am I even touching that one, i'd gain 20lbs just going near it!

The place is called Indonesian Food Mart, here is the link: http://indonesianfoodmart.com
They have a lot of other great stuff....and he ordered some things I haven't even looked at yet, but I'm sure I will be eating them....and posting about them soon O(≧∇≦)O !!!